Monday, 12 February 2018

Top 3 Reasons Cheese Is Good for Health

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Top 3 Reasons Cheese Is Good for Health:

     Hello, Friends Today I am going to share some exciting facts on The Top 3 Reasons Cheese is good for the health.The Cheese is a standard accompaniment to the favorite foods such as burgers, pizza, Mexican dishes, salad, and sandwiches. Alone, the cheese can be a snack or an appetizer. It can be added to the sauces, soups, pastries and many other dishes. There are thousands of the varieties of cheese, ranging from the mild to mature in the flavor and low- to high-fat in the composition. It can be made from the milk of the cows, sheep, goats and other animals. Here are The Top 5 reasons Cheese is good for the health.

1. Turns off the Diabetes

       Eating of 1 to 3/4 ounces of the cheese a day, may lower your risk of the developing type 2 diabetes by 8 percent. There is also a more good news from the same study that people who ate about 3/4 cup of the yogurt daily had even the lower risk. Some other studies found that women who ate just under 2 ounces of the cheese also lowered their type 2 diabetes risk. The shorter chain saturated fats present in the cheese were linked to the lower risk of type 2 diabetes. The calcium which increases insulin secretion and it may reduce the insulin resistance and may avert the disease.

2. It Improves Your Cholesterol

        Keeping with the heart health, a daily snack of the cheese may lower your cholesterol. Some of the researchers compared the blood cholesterol of the people eating a prescribed diet that included butter or cheese. Although both the menus had about the same amount of the saturated fat and calories. The cheese eaters ended their trials with the lower total and Low-Density Lipoprotein cholesterol than their butter eating peoples. The bad High-Density Lipoprotein cholesterol was also lower. The cholesterol changes could be because to the calcium’s ability to remove fat through your gut so you don’t absorb it and it’s including the calories that is the amount of calcium is much higher in the cheese than in butter. The Vitamin K2 is found in the fermented dairy products such as cheese.

3. Helps You to Avoid Death

        Eating the cheese really may help you to live longer.It is followed the 960 French men for almost 15 years to see whether the foods they ate had any relationship to when they died. Eating of about 2 ounces of the cheese a day was included with a 38 percent lower likelihood that they died during the study. So, the calcium’s blood pressure which is lowering the effects play a role or its ability to cut the fat absorption in the gut.
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